Wednesday, September 9, 2009

The Mindless Ramblings of a Country Music Fan

An online acquaintance recently suggested that I should try writing my own country music blog. This person had read my aimless ramblings on several message boards and evidently thought others would like to do the same. I'm not so sure about that, but I'm willing to give it a try!

I don't pretend to be an authority or an expert on country music, the city of Nashville, or the music industry in general; I'm just a longtime fan (more than 30 years - since I was 12!) and have lived in Nashville almost 23 years. I do not work in the music industry or in anything related to it, but after living around it for as long as I have, I've picked up a lot of general knowledge that might or might not amount to much!

This blog will cover a wide variety of subjects. Don't stop in here expecting to find me singing the praises of whoever has the number one record on the charts at the moment. As a fan for more than 30 years, I remember a time when talent and hard work counted for more than publicity overkill, and when fans had more say-so in what was broadcast over the airwaves. However, with the rise of the Internet and its use for self-promotion, I will have to admit that many artists now have the chance to stake out their spots in the industry when they might not have before. Those whose names are constantly in the news don't need one more person talking about them; that's not my purpose here.

I will touch on a lot that's outside the mainstream - beyond what's played on the radio and shown on TV. I am a huge fan of the legendary artists who were big in the 1970's and before and since, so expect to read plenty along those lines. You might read my aimless jabber on one song, or several songs from one writer, or goings-on in Nashville that don't get much national attention, as well as individual artists.

Please feel free to comment on anything I say, correct me if I'm wrong (on information, that is - if your opinion is different from mine, that's fine, and we need to agree to disagree), add to what I say, and help me learn. My years as a country music fan and time as a Nashville resident have taught me a lot and continue to do so, and though I will be doing a lot of talking on here, I also intend to listen and continue to learn. That's one reason why I called this blog "Listen and Talk Nashville"! So, please listen and talk right along with me!

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